7/8/20 CCSD Message: School Reopening
On behalf of the Superintendent, please be advised that Cherokee County School Board Chair Kyla Cromer has called for a School Board meeting to be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 9, 2020 to consider approval of the Superintendent’s recommended CCSD Reopening of School Plan.
The Superintendent’s plan calls for the school year to begin on Aug. 3, 2020 with all campuses open for Traditional In-Person learning for all grades; parents also will have the option to instead enroll their child in CCSD’s Digital Learning program. Parents who choose to keep their child home to participate in Digital Learning will be required by noon on Friday, July 17, to complete a Digital Learning Commitment Form to commit to the program from Aug. 3-Oct. 9 for elementary students; and from Aug. 3-Dec. 18 for middle and high school students.
The full reopening plan, which outlines operations and the State’s guidance to schools districts, is online at https://bit.ly/CCSDplan20, along with our Reopening of School FAQs at https://bit.ly/CCSDfaqs20, which answers the questions we anticipate you have and will be continuously updated as new information becomes available; and the Digital Learning Commitment Form at https://bit.ly/CCSDdlcommit20.
In addition to considering approval of the reopening plan, the School Board also will vote to ratify the Superintendent’s graduation ceremonies plan announced on Saturday and posted online at https://bit.ly/CCSDgradplan20.
Promptly following the meeting, a Board Business Briefs report announcing the School Board’s decisions will be emailed to all parents and posted on our website.
The School Board meeting will be held in person in its auditorium at 1205 Bluffs Parkway, Canton, 30114. The meeting will be live streamed, and a link to view the meeting online will be posted at https://bit.ly/SBM7920 at 5:45 p.m. Due to social-distancing requirements, in-person attendance will be limited to 80 people; the auditorium doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and CCSD School Police Officers will usher citizens to assigned seats. Public Participation (the School Board Policy is online at https://bit.ly/CCSDpublicpolicy) will be in-person only; sign up will begin when the doors open and will be limited per School Board Policy.